Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Zeus source code leaked

Just read the news today that the Zeus source code has been made public and can be downloaded by anyone. Luckily that the RARed file is password protected and prevent malicious people from using it as the code was written in Visual C++ (probably VC++ 2005 - 2010) and PHP and easy to  compile it. The source code is already made public around couple of weeks ago and probably sold by the malware author.

At the time I was writing this blog, there is no sign that people already crack the password. This could be dangerous once the password is cracked especially when it's fall into a wrong hand.

UPDATE - 06/04/2011

The source code seem to be already posted at r00tw0rm.com which is currently down due to the missing file.

The CMS they are using is probably vBulletin which is contain missing file.


  1. so... uhm... where's the source leak now?

  2. http://www.opensc.ws/unverified-listings/13890-src-c-latest-zeus-source-code-.html

  3. dear mr alternator where can i download PAV???

  4. the password was so easy -__-

  5. password is zeus lol...

  6. The filename zeus source code pass = zeus should have been a clue lol...

  7. I figured out the source code a long while ago
